bukan tingkat bahasa Inggris
- bukan: ain't; aren't; be neither; isn't; it is not the;
- tingkat: leve; level of; mortalitas; rate of; rediscount;
- bukan: ain't; aren't; be neither; isn't; it is not the; neither; non; not; over the left; wasn't; weren't; no; non-; ne; na; nope; like a hole in the head; like a hole in one’s head
- tingkat: leve; level of; mortalitas; rate of; rediscount; satisfacation; second floor; storey; the extent; -storeyed; -storeyed, -storied; degree; extent; floor; gradation; level; plane; quotient; rate; stag
- bukan bukan: nonsensical
- bukan-bukan: dubious; lightheaded; fury; tommyrot; meaninglessness; silly; folderal; tarradiddle; wild; fatuousness; fantastic; absurd; nonsensicality; humbug; light-headed; baloney; hokum; furiousness; airheade
- yang bukan bukan: nertz; unmeaning; preposterous
- yg bukan-bukan: nonsense
- tingkat tingkat pengendalian produksi: stages of production control
- tingkat-tingkat pekerjaan: job grades
- (awalan) bukan: il
- [bukan/tidak]: nauther; nother
- adalah bukan: it's not; was not; were not
- bukan anggota: nonmember
- bukan buatan: awfully; abysmally; awful; abominably; atrociously; terribly; rottenly; frightfully
- You should have been able to draw much better.
Jelas ini bukan tingkat guru - It wasn't a "Hindu rate of growth," "democracies can't grow." Actually India could.
Itu bukan "tingkat pertumbuhan Hindu", "negara demokrasi tidak dapat tumbuh". Faktanya, India bisa. - Hey, I was just told that if we agree to buy them, Shanghai will get three tanker trucks to us.
ini adalah keputusan nasional, bukan tingkat kota. - Unlike the federal subjects, the federal districts are not a subnational level of government, but are a level of administration of the federal government.
Tidak seperti subjek federal, distrik federal bukan tingkat pemerintahan sub-nasional, tetapi tingkatan administrasi pemerintah federal. - Granted, they've only been on the ground for 7 minutes, but as of now, we believe the fatalities are due to the landing, not radiation levels.
Kujamin, mereka baru di Bumi selama 7 menit,.. ..tapi kini kami percaya kejadian itu.. ..karena pendaratan, bukan tingkat radiasi. - So, the Ikea keeps its priority is likely not the level of corruption of officials of any country, and the ability to comfortably make money in a particular local market.
Oleh karena itu, Ikea memegang prioritasnya, kemungkinan besar, bukan tingkat korupsi pejabat suatu negara tertentu, tetapi kesempatan untuk mendapatkan uang dengan nyaman di pasar lokal ini atau itu. - Do note that the lenses get clearer more slowly compared to when they get darker. The colour change is caused by the intensity of UV light and not the brightness of the surrounding.
Perlu diketahui perubahan lensa menjadi semakin jernih akan lebih lambat dibandingkan saat warnanya semakin gelap. Perubahan warna disebabkan oleh intensitas sinar UV dan bukan tingkat kecerahan sekitar. - Let’s start at, not the technical, but the physical and human levels first. That's right, even the best technology in the world can’t protect against a sledgehammer or worse, the prying hands of a physical intruder.
Mari kita mulai, bukan tingkat teknis, tetapi tingkat fisik dan manusia yang pertama. Itu benar, bahkan teknologi terbaik di dunia tidak dapat melindungi terhadap palu godam atau lebih buruk, tangan-tangan pengintip dari pengganggu fisik.